The hands of Diana Montoya They are famous in Madrid. Also among the Laconicum team. This Colombian has been taking care of many people's skin for years in her beauty center. Her hands are an extraordinary cosmetic, with them she works on firmness, regeneration and stimulation. of the skin. Once you have tried any of their treatments you cannot make an appointment anywhere else.
She, in this decade as a facialist, has seen many skins and knows that each one is a world but there are common needs. In parallel, Diana had a secret that she told only a few people. She made (she started making it 9 years ago) a serum that she gave to some of the people who came to her center to try. It was a product which provided active ingredients that the skin needed and that were lacking. These ingredients were active ingredients that the skin understood as its own, it tried to speak its own language and the skin responded very well.
She says that she stopped making them and that 2 years ago one of the clients He told her that he wanted her to prepare that "clear liquid that she used to make for him." He got the bug. It was when he started looking for someone to be with I could do it.
So, Diana Montoya Diana Montoya created her cosmetics brand. It is a brand created by a Colombian, manufactured in Spain, with Italian packaging and active ingredients from various places, including Germany. Diana Montoya comes to market with two products: a serum (an improved version of the one that was circulating in Madrid) and an essence. These two products allow us to reproduce at home the care of this woman.
She says about these two products: "What I like most is that I have been able to create something that I always talk about in the salon... giving my skin some nourishment. I like the ingredients, which are of excellent quality and effectiveness, and that they are products that contain active ingredients that our own skin has and speak its language. They are made to strengthen your immune system, hydrate, regenerate at a cellular level, provide elasticity, firmness, rebalance the skin...
She says with confidence: "I am sure of everything there is in these products is "Well." And we trust Diana.