Less than
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We travel around the world, test and select the most interesting cosmetic brands. All of them are independent, difficult to find and have a personal story behind them. This is a selection of products less than €20 carefully chosen for you.
Crema de manos reparadora sin perfume
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We travel around the world, test and select the most interesting cosmetic brands. All of them are independent, difficult to find and have a personal story behind them. This is a selection of products less than €20 carefully chosen for you.
Agua de colonia cítrica
Agua de colonia cítrica y marina
Ambientador de hogar de limón
Sérum para pieles con imperfecciones
Champú de uso diario
Champú cabellos secos y dañados
Acondicionador cabellos dañados y secos
Limpiadora pieles sensibles + muselina
Placer Laconicum nº21
Thinking about shrews, traveling with your imagination and without a suitcase
Aceite para pieles con manchas, marcas y granitos