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Pleasure Laconicum nº5

Chatting about everything and nothing on the edge of a pool



Aesop no sigue modas, las impone. Sus productos son fetiches y objetos de deseo. La cosmética puede ser poética.

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"A product has to work, but if it can do it with a little poetry, all the better." These words were spoken by Dennis Paphitis, founder of Aesop, in an interview with The Talks. These words are Aesop. And Aesop is pronounced I-sop

This Australian brand founded in 1987 (it's 34 years old!) is not original. In fact, on his own website a quote from Carlyle appears that says: "The merit of originality is not in novelty; it is in sincerity." What he proposes is also done by other brands: creating effective and pleasant products. The what is relatively common. The important thing about it is how. The how is enveloping. Every millimeter of the packaging (much copied) responds to a decision. Zadie Smith has written in his magazine. His stores, those stores that we look for and always enter, he has designed from Snøhetta to Luca Guadagnino to the Campana brothers. The amber color of its bottles, its tubes, the typography (Helvetica and Optima) and the messages are unmistakable. 

The products of Aesop generate an unusual loyalty in cosmetics, unfaithful territory by nature. If not, tell those who use your Resurrection Aromatique Hand Wash or your Geranium Leaf Body Cleanser.

Aesop has products for face, hair, body, fragrances and home. It's a whole world. All products are made obsessively, choosing the most exquisite ingredients, testing and testing again, taking care of the launch rhythms so as not to saturate. They are easy to use, enjoyable and, of course, very effective; It takes between two and ten years to formulate them. There is good cosmetics within its packaging

Paphitis goes on to say in that same interview:  “I like ideas and products that reveal themselves slowly, that are more of a whisper than a shout, that are something that becomes part of our universe private". Whoever uses Aesop knows what we mean. Theirs are companion products, they integrate into life and homes without disturbing, like a friendly person who comes to see us does.