Less than
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We travel around the world, test and select the most interesting cosmetic brands. All of them are independent, difficult to find and have a personal story behind them. This is a selection of products less than €20 carefully chosen for you.
Sérum para pieles apagadas o con manchas
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We travel around the world, test and select the most interesting cosmetic brands. All of them are independent, difficult to find and have a personal story behind them. This is a selection of products less than €20 carefully chosen for you.
24 horas. Eso es lo que necesitas para sentir la piel más firme y suave. Un lifting natural, naturalísimo
El mejor gadget para dormir tiene cientos de años. Duerme mejor con el Antifaz Laconicum
El producto estrella de Sam McKnight envuelto para regalo
Un agua micelar inspirada en la parafarmacia francesa. Nos gusta.
Un limpiador facial inspirado en la parafarmacia francesa que compramos cuando vamos a París