This is the story of a woman who washed her hands a lot. To be more exact, she did it an average of 50-60 times a day. Her name is Antonia. Philp and is an English nurse. From washing her hands so much, hers were cracked, irritated and even bloody. That's why, together with her husband, Jonny, she decided to launch a brand of products for sensitive and irritated hands. It took them 7 years to achieve what they wanted. In 2018, Nursem. But Antonia and Jonny had a double plan.
The first was to create hand products that comforted people who needed to wash them frequently: nurses, caregivers, hairdressers, etc.
The second consisted of what she calls the Promise Nursem. For each product purchased, Nursem gives away the equivalent of a month's worth of products to a healthcare center. Laconicum we do it too. Remember this every time you buy a hand cream. Somewhere, thanks to you (and Antonia), someone will have their hands well cared for for a month. We will keep our promise.