We'll tell you what Exfo-Lite is like. It has a coarse grain, which requires a vigorous massage. This gives it vigor. It's not an exfoliant that you can later use on your face. It's for legs, but also for the rest of the body. Its benefits apply to legs, arms, back, feet... Exfo-Lite It is great as an intensive treatment before summer holidays, during pregnancy or in other situations where the legs need extra care. And in everyday life, which they also deserve.
This scrub combines two salts: sea salt and Himalayan salt (from Punjab); the latter are diuretics and help to eliminate impurities. Both salts combined polish the skin and the pink crystals, when massaged, stimulate the lymphatic and drainage system. Therefore, they are beneficial when it comes to defining the shape. You will notice that your legs are very soft, with a firmer tone and happier. And you, too.