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Laconicum Pleasure No. 15

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We are never more free from strict beauty routines than when we are at the beach. Here's what she thinks Meg Gordon, the founder of this Australian brand. And that's what we think.

This idea led him to think: "wouldn't it be great if we bottled that feeling of freedom, that way of understanding cosmetics without restrictions or corsets? And he set out to do so. In April 2019 he launched Beached. The idea of Beached It seems like we just got back from vacation.

Your products They have the cheerful feel of a day at the beach and are as natural as the sea and sand. The packaging is made from recycled plastic, they all have more than one function, they contain Australian super-fruits and they are very easy to use. And, most importantly, they are very good. Meg He sums it up: "Simply put, we make products you can't live without, and we make them very well."

Accordingly, we will want to use Beached on the beach, in the city, in August and in January. After all, isn't the beach a state of mind?

Exclusively in Spain, at Laconicum.