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Laconicum Pleasure No. 15

Buying flowers, like Mrs. Dalloway

Q & A: Agnès Teixidó, Editor of Beauty of Glamor.es

Agnes Teixido HE She removes her mask to take a sip of coffee, before painting her lips a classic red. She is the only person we know who has not given up makeup in this time, at least lipstick and a eyeliner of vintage air that is always, always immaculate. Through beauty (and its Instagram), Agnès talks about feminism, self-care and self-esteem. In The topics he writes for Glamour.es There is honesty, that of someone who tries everything and speaks from knowledge, and a total absence of taboos to affirm that we are not perfect, so what?

1. Your favorite Laconicum product.

But this is very difficult! Only one? You have my favorite perfume, the Snowy complexion, the Aquis towel, he Pai oil... Although perhaps my superstar Laconicum's favorite is the Lumilixir by Mabel&Meg.

2. What is the geekiest thing you have ever bought?

Well, I don't know if it's geeky, but I bought a bunch of false eyelashes over a year ago to learn how to put them on in 2020 and here we are in 2021 and they're still there. mascara It's too simple and effective, lol.

3. A mania beauty in your routine.

I don't like to wash my face with water when my hair is dry. That is, I only wash my face with cleansing gel in the shower or if I have no other choice and I have put on makeup. If I have not put on makeup, I wash my face ONLY with micellar water.

4. A product that you don't know what it is and are embarrassed to ask.

Korean essences. I'm not entirely sure about them.

5. If you come home late, you will most likely:

1. That you go to sleep with your makeup on.
2. That you use a makeup remover wipe.
3. That you sleep even with your bag on.

    Although there are several times a year of option 3I try with all my might to clean my face a little.

    6. What product or trick fixes a bad face day?

    A mask (moisturizing), soothing...) and quartz roller for eye bags. Well, and the corrector, can do anything.

    7. Your favorite scent and one you can't stand.

    My favorite scent is that of talc and I can't stand the smell of mint.

    8. A foolproof makeup trick.

    Red lips, always.

    9. On a bad hair day, what do you do?

    1. Use a finishing product.
    2. Quick bun pull
    3. Rescue cap.
    Quick bun, always.

    10. The last whim beauty that you have given yourself.

    Well I haven't done it yet but I'm going to get the line tattooed. eyeliner.


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